A native Japanese speaker who has a Master’s of Engineering and a CEFR-B2 in English will teach you Japanese via Zoom or Skype. She has experience living in English-speaking countries and can answer your questions about learning Japanese as a second language.
工学修士、英語 CEFR-B2 レベルの日本人女性がZoomまたはSkypeを通じて日本語のオンラインレッスンをいたします。訛りのない丁寧な日本語をお話しいたします。英語圏滞在と多言語教育の経験があり、外国語としての日本語学習のお悩みにお答えいたします。


He is perfectly bilingual in both English and Japanese, with EIKEN 1st grade certification. He has studied at both New Zealand and Japanese schools and international schools and can answer any questions you may have about learning Japanese in perfect English.